Engaged companies
Thanks to their employees, clients, suppliers, and partners, companies are in daily contact with citizens, which make them key societal stakeholders.
In the face of the deep structural changes our societies are going through – climate change, the digital revolution, changes in lifestyles and individual expectations – the most resilient and efficient companies will be the ones able to read the signs of change, however weak. The same companies will be willing to share their value creation within their own organization, and with society overall.
GROUPE SOS Consulting supports these companies in reading the signs of a changing world while making the most of it.

Inclusive programing study for the media village (PARIS 2024)

Appui à la conception du du Pôle Autonomie de la Tour Horizon (Evry-Courcouronnes)

Définition de la stratégie de la Fondation et de la roadmap opérationnelle associée.

Accompagnement à la valorisation des actions de Loxam en matière de RSE, réponse aux analyses ESG et rédaction du rapport RSE.

Accompagnement d’une branche professionnelle dans la mise en place d’une politique de prise en charge des addictions.

Change management et engagement des équipes.

Business models and strategies for sourcing project holders before turning parisian train stations into inclusive third places.

Programing and stakeholders mobilization to create an inclusive third place

Inventory of patronage, sponsorship and endowment fund actions & diagnosis of the needs of the territory.

Appui à la définition et la mise en œuvre du Programme d’Action Citoyenne de Terrain (PACT).

Appui à la production du Panorama annuel de l’évaluation d’impact social.

Définition et mise en place d’une feuille de route Diversité & Inclusion.