Our services
Impact assessment
A French red cross – Group SOS partnership.
Understanding and controlling one’s social impact has become key for ‘actors of social change’ to measure the impact of their programs, improve field projects, secure funding and use them efficiently, keep employees engaged, highlight existing innovations, objectify their social value-added, etc. Albeit a new priority for private and public stakeholders alike, impact assessment is still perceived as complex and expensive.
Together, GROUPE SOS Consulting and the French Red Cross’s Impact department aim to share their knowledge and experience on the matter with SSE organizations. Our goal is to help them develop their skills through ownership of our methodologies, which have already proven efficient on hundreds of partners.
Our approach
Specify the impact assessment initiative by co-creating a framework for understanding the social impact of the project or program (kickoff meetings, collaborative workshops)
Establish a research protocol specific to impact assessment issues, including operational implementation
Ensure staff’s ownership of the overall initiative and related tools, via an ‘action learning’ approach and collaborative workshops
Support data gathering, processing and analysis (surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, study report)
Help the organization draw key lessons from the initiative to ensure its efficiency in the long run
Support change management within the organization to make impact assessment a strategic guidance tool for continuous improvement
Elaborate communication tools to advertise for the initiative

Social impact assessment of voluntary military service

Impact assessment of the network’s solidarity grocery.

Rédaction d’un rapport sur l’innovation sociale au Maroc.

Accompagnement à la mise en place d’un dispositif de mesure d’impact social.

Impact study on the CASO system

Mesure d’impact, analyse et réflexion sur le positionnement stratégique de l’association.

Mesure d’impact, analyse et réflexion sur le positionnement stratégique de l’association.

Définition de la stratégie de la Fondation et de la roadmap opérationnelle associée.

Change management et engagement des équipes.

Accompagnement pour la définition et la mise en œuvre d’un Cluster de l’économie sociale et solidaire.

Appui à la définition et la mise en œuvre du Programme d’Action Citoyenne de Terrain (PACT).

Analyse des engagements écologiques des partis politiques marocains.

Support for the in-itinere evaluation of the ODYSSEE project.

Accompagnement au repositionnement stratégique de l’Association.

Appui à la production du Panorama annuel de l’évaluation d’impact social.

Implementation of an in-itinere approach to social impact assessment.

Evaluation of deployment and impact.

Implementation of a social impact management system.

Accompagnement à la réorganisation du Pôle “Animation”.

Appui à la définition du modèle économique du l’EITI.

Elaboration d’une stratégie biodiversité à l’échelle du Groupe SOS.

Etude de diagnostic sur l’insertion socio-professionnelle des personnes bénéficiant de la protection internationale.