Our services
High-impact partnerships with SSE stakeholders
Companies and SSE Stakeholders are increasingly expected to work together to create impactful projects that can contribute to a more inclusive society. Token of economic sustainability, this cooperation leads the way towards alternative, more efficient solutions to social challenges, as opposed to existing solutions offered by traditional actors such as the government or the market.
Successful cooperation has been experienced in areas such as fight against unemployment, employability and social integration of people with disabilities, solidary mobility, ecological transition, fight against fuel poverty, and fight against insolvency. Benefiting from a strong experience in this area, particularly in Paris, GROUPE SOS Consulting provides support to companies and SSE stakeholders in the design and implementation of such partnerships.
Our approach
Define expectations and issues at stake for each partner, via data gathering, interviews, surveys, and focus groups
Identify and bring together potential partners, highlighting possible synergies
Establish a roadmap for the project (collaborative workshops, milestones, key issues to be addressed)
Business modeling through market studies, economic objectives, business plan, organization chart, post descriptions
Social modeling with social objectives, social workers’ organization chart, post descriptions, user guides, training plan, mitigation strategy
Support during the project’s operational launch
Support during the project’s change of scale

Accompagnement stratégique sur la création de synergies entre les entreprises classiques et les acteurs de l’ESS.

Animation du Secrétariat Général de l’organisation Pact for Impact.

Accompagnement de porteurs de projets innovants dans le champ des seniors.

Etude de faisabilité et plan de mise en place de l’Instance Tunisienne de l’ESS.

Research initiative on social and solidarity economy and social innovation in Africa.

Appui à la rédaction du Rapport “Les entreprises et l’impact sociétal” remis en septembre 2022 à la ministre Marlène Schiappa.

Mise en place d’un dispositif de reporting des impacts des associations soutenues.